Most fans of the Yu-Gi-Oh! card game know that Yugi’s favorite card is Kuriboh. However, there are a number of other cards that appear in his deck that may not be quite as well known. In this article we will introduce them to you and give some insight into why they’re in Yugi’s deck.
Buster Blader: Yugi’s strongest monster at the time of Battle City is Buster Blader, master of Dragon Capture Jar. According to the anime, Yugi had obtained this card in a Shadow Game with Kaiba (in the manga he got it from defeating Arkana). In order for Yugi to get through to Kaiba, Yugi had to defeat Kaiba’s Blue-Eyes White Dragon with a monster of equal strength. This is the only time we see Yugi use this card in battle and it is clear that he values Buster Blader greatly.
How does yugioh end
The Leviathan: This monster is used as a shield to defend Yugi’s life points from “The Fiend Megacyber” which was about to attack him. Yugi activated this card in battle with the Dark Clown during the KC Grand Prix and it ended up defeating all three of his opponents monsters, but at the cost of crashing into the D. Clown’s “Toll” card, taking Yugi down to 100 life points. This is also the first time we see Yugi use this card in battle and it is used just as effectively here as it was with Dark Yugi earlier in Death-T against Kotsuzuka.
Yugi’s favorite card is the Dark Magician
However, Yugi doesn’t have any other spell caster monsters in his deck.
Kuriboh: Even though Yugi’s favorite card is Kuriboh, there are many different levels of this card. Yugi often uses Kuriboh as a shield to protect himself from damage (he does this with all the Kuribohs in his deck). Sometimes he uses it to buy himself time to plan out his next move or as a distraction so he can summon another monster. Yugi even used the basic level of this card against Bakura’s Dark Necrofear, since Kuriboh was the only monster that could attack directly without being destroyed (it is also worth mentioning that this Kuriboh is not in Yugi’s deck).
Black Pendant: This item is the key to Yugi’s strategy. As long as he has it equipped his life points are safe from attack, but if it were destroyed his life points would be open for attack. He even uses this card against Kaiba at the KC Grand Prix. Yugi uses it to stall Kaiba’s “Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon” long enough for him to be able to summon Slifer the Sky Dragon, which is what wins him the duel.
The Dark Magician card was created for the first Yu-Gi-Oh! series in 1998
At the time, with a card game in Japan that was still gaining popularity, it was difficult to find Duel Monsters cards at most stores. This is why Yugi’s deck contains many Kuribohs and a single copy of several other types of cards that he otherwise does not use (with the exception of The Leviathan). However, this has changed since then and many of Yugi’s cards can now be purchased at most stores.
A fun way of getting your friends into Yu-Gi-Oh!
is introducing them to Yugi’s deck. It is a very fun deck to play with and it’s one of the easiest decks for beginners, because all you really need to know how to do is Summon. With this deck your goal would be to get out Dark Magician as fast as possible, since he can take down almost any card in battle, and then do your best to defend yourself until he gets out Kuriboh. It’s not the most powerful deck, but it is very fun to play with.
Yugi is a great duelist, but when it comes to Duel Monsters, there really isn’t much to his deck. He is never seen using any of the cards that aren’t part of his “starter” deck and you can actually play with the exact same cards that he has (except for The Dark Magician which you can get through special promotions, or you could just paint over the Dark Magician on one of the other cards with a black marker). He does have one of the best decks out there, so I recommend getting your friends into Yu-Gi-Oh! by playing with Yugi’s deck.